Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hello Anaheim/We want Stanley!!!!!!!!!!

Have you heard about the court case in Alberta lately. There is a 12 yr. old boy who is enduring a custody battle between his parents. The boys mother was beating him, so the judge turned over custody to the father. The boy disagreed with this ruling, revealing to the judge that his father beat him regularly too. The judge agreed that dad should not have custody, so continued to grandparents, uncles, aunts, even older cousins. Each time the judge mentioned a family member, the boy cried and said that he was beaten by all of them. The judge, now quite frustrated eventually made history. For the first time ever a child is being turned over to be cared for by an organization. The judge, after exhausting all of his options, turned the boy over to the Edmonton Oilers. His reason, of course was that THEY ARE NOT CAPABLE OF BEATING ANYONE. Sorry John and Nathan, I couldn't resist. Oh and by the way, my Canucks won last night in game 7 against Dallas in case you missed that!


Anonymous said...

haha good one mark! lol. i cant wait to get my car! Thanks for everything. Im excited to see you guys soon! Its going to be alot of fun! Talk to you soon. love you!

chelsey said...

haha, good pic and good story! see you TOMORROW!

John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Canucks sucked so bad it was embarassing.

2-minute mark said...

if only luongo could score goals hey.

Trevor Seibel said...

Mark...buddy...where you been?