Thursday, February 15, 2007

low interest lady/trust me!

has anyone else ever given out their credit card number over the phone. well, i havent until today. i wont go into too much detail about how she convinced me, but lets just say she did a good job. she even led me to their website(or what she said was their website). i still dont know if it was a scam or not, but i cancelled my card just in case. it was some kind of offer to bring my interest on the card down, so i listened, but after i had given my number and right before she was going to hang up, she announced that for only $695.00 US, that i would be approved to have my rate lowered to 6.9%. wow wow wow, i said. that was the first i had heard of this money coming out of my account. no way!!!, i said. she then went on to insult me and hung up on me. i immediately cancelled my card and made sure that no transactions had been made. i know what you are all saying. why oh why would you ever think of giving your credit card number over the phone. well i dont have a good answer for that except the obvious one which is that i, mark roberts am a sucker! i know i am not the only one who has ever done this, but i still cant help but feel dumb. maybe i am more naive than i thought. anyways this whole experience did stir some thoughts in my head that i would like to share. one of the phrases that she actually used during our conversation was(trust me). TRUST is something that i have learned needs to be earned. i remember lying to my parents as a teenager and them later finding out. they would tell me that it was going to take a while before i would earn their trust back. i started to think about that phrase(trust me). God says that. Has God earned your trust. He has earned mine over the past few years. my encouragement for you is a guarantee. i guarantee you, whoever you are, that if you havent already: TRUST HIM AND YOU WILL SUCCEED!! God may not lead you to a convenience store where you promptly pick the winning lottery ticket, but He may lead you to a place that will help you grow. He may lead you to a friend in need that you can pray for. He may lead you to a job that makes you and your families lives a lot easier. He also may lead you to an uncomfortable place that you do not want to be in, but that will be a place that you succeed in if you truly trust Him. DONT PUT YOUR TRUST IN THE LOW INTEREST LADY, TOO MANY HIDDEN FEES! What do you think.


Anonymous said...

Wow first to comment on your blog. I am honoured.
12 of 15 with blogs and the one without is Joy , mom & dad, who would of thunk. I am going to need to quit my job to keep up.
As far as the low interest lady/trust me. The apostle Peter says it best "keep on doing what is right and Trust youself to the God who made you for he will never fail you". Dad

chelsey said...

god doesn't have any hidden fees, although i used to think he did. i'm happy you guys got some internet, it will be so much easier to stay in touch now!

chelsey said...

by the way, great blog title.

xblairx said...

hey buddy,
glad that you joined the fray.

mark, if you trust me, i'll only charge you half what the interest lady was going to. what a deal! twice the savings and i'm your brother. can't go wrong.

trust me, i'm in a math class. i can calculate interest.

Karl and Helen said...

Hey Cousin. Good to hear from you.

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

i seem to recall that time you lied to your parents - acutally, there was a couple of times! isn't it great to grow up, learn from things, put them behind us and know that God completely loves and accepts us. Nice to be blogging with you!

2-minute mark said...

hope you guys like the new picture i posted

Anonymous said...

About that picture....the kid is cute but jacket on the other hand is all wrong.

2-minute mark said...

hey benj!!! i forgot who your team is. please tell me you are a fellow leaf-hater.

Anonymous said...

Vancouver Canucks fan? Hello from Ucluelet BC! Angela

2-minute mark said...

ang, i am a canucks fan. my son is too, but he didnt have much choice. hes also got the bib, diaper shirt, cup, toque, etc.