Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hello Anaheim/We want Stanley!!!!!!!!!!

Have you heard about the court case in Alberta lately. There is a 12 yr. old boy who is enduring a custody battle between his parents. The boys mother was beating him, so the judge turned over custody to the father. The boy disagreed with this ruling, revealing to the judge that his father beat him regularly too. The judge agreed that dad should not have custody, so continued to grandparents, uncles, aunts, even older cousins. Each time the judge mentioned a family member, the boy cried and said that he was beaten by all of them. The judge, now quite frustrated eventually made history. For the first time ever a child is being turned over to be cared for by an organization. The judge, after exhausting all of his options, turned the boy over to the Edmonton Oilers. His reason, of course was that THEY ARE NOT CAPABLE OF BEATING ANYONE. Sorry John and Nathan, I couldn't resist. Oh and by the way, my Canucks won last night in game 7 against Dallas in case you missed that!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've been EXPLORERING lately!

The reason for my lack of blog etiquette lately is because I have been busy trying to purchase a (new to us) vehicle. It started out being very fun. When you narrow down your list of vehicles to buy, it gets exciting. Maybe its just a guy thing! In fact I am pretty sure it is. Anyway, we went with a 2003 Ford Explorer with low mileage, 7 passenger, blah blah blah. It's nice. It ended up not being so much fun though towards the end. I think my wife thought about punching me in the face a few times, but she didn't and I am happy to say that we are still together. It really was not that bad, but had its moments for sure. I am also back to work full time so that contributes to my lack of blogging as well, but I will try to keep up better. Sorry to all of you haters out there who cannot understand that, you jerks! Well anyways, I am glad to say that I think that I learned my lesson last time when i foolishly purchased a 2001 Pontiac Sunfire for about $3000 more than what I got this next to new vehicle for. Lesson learned and finally blog updated. Im out!