Tuesday, March 20, 2007


For all of those who know me you will know that i am actually not 21, but that is what i told some kids from work and they actually believed me. That made my day. Then i was reminded of last year when a couple of the kids thought i was 34. Either way, i am getting older for sure. I can feel it physically for sure, and sometimes mentally too, i guess. I play hockey with two or three guys my age, but mostly with 19 and 20 year olds. Sometimes i wish i was that young again(when they still seem to have energy at the end of the game), but mostly i remember how much of a jerk i was when i was that age and am glad that i am 28(there i came clean, im 28). Anyway, i have been thinking about the past lately, mostly because of my 10, yes 10 year high school reunion coming up next weekend. So many things go through my mind when pondering the past. Regrets.... some, but mostly gratitude. I think about all those in my life that cared enough to invest in guiding me to where i am today, especially God, obviously because he gave me grace. Someone recently asked me why i belive in God. I told them that because of the things i have seen happen in my life and others that i know, there is no way i couldnt believe. God is good!!! My siblings are rad!! They give me so much pride. That may sound weird, but all of them seem like famous people i know sometimes. What i mean is that i couldnt be more proud to say that Peter, Blair, Keri, and Joy are my friends, let alone my siblings. I love that they are my real friends. Mostly, i am thankful for my parents. Since going back to work i am constantly reminded of how many families are torn apart and will possibly never get okay! To those of you who didnt grow up the way i did and maybe didnt have loving parents, please dont take this as some eliteist, holier than thou, rubbing it in sort of thing because it is only meant to give praise where praise is due. I have had many friends, coworkers and clients over the past few years that i have talked to and i honestly cannot think of one (that i know of) that would have had a safer, more loving, more Godly, more close to perfect home life. This is because of my parents undying love for their God, eachother, and of course their wee ones. I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO MY MOM AND DAD FOR BEING THE BEST EVER!!! I hate sappy stuff, but am now crying because i know that because of this, my kids have a chance to have this same life that i speak of. For those of you who did not have a loving home, remember this!! If your kids do then they will learn to make their home loving and their kids will learn the same(God willing). Because of this, i am also thankful to their parents, my grandmas and grandpas for their mad skilz(good parenting). To sum up, I love my mom and dad more than this futile attempt at an appreciation could express, but i hope that you all now know that Kerry and LaVonne Roberts are outstanding and the best parents, lovers, and people i know!

Thursday, March 1, 2007